Over the past few years, the video industry has grown exponentially. Websites, like YouTube have changed the face of advertising, entertainment and politics by offering users the ability to upload and share seemingly unlimited amounts of video. The Internet has become an absolute juggernaut in ecommerce, advertising, politics, and communication and viral videos and online video productions for entertainment and information have become commonplace for individuals, groups, and corporations who want to promote, entertain, or inform.
Many artists and musicians have used viral video to promote and spread their work. Politicians are extensively using the free mediums to spread their messages and promote their agendas and platforms. Additionally, viral videos and short films have become some of the most popular forms of entertainment over the past few years.
From “Chocolate Rain” and the “Dramatic Chipmunk” to “Leave Britney Alone” and “Don’t Tase Me, Bro!” the use of the Internet to spread entertainment, laughs, and information has never been so prominent. In the case of Tay Zonday, his “Chocolate Rain” video made him an instant celebrity and he has booked appearances on several late night talk shows as well as landing an endorsement deal with Dr. Pepper.
Corporate video production has become quite popular as well as tech savvy companies such as Blendtec — who promoted their blenders with their “Will it Blend?” campaign — and the Coca-Cola company — who used viral video marketing to take advantage of the “Diet Coke and Mentos” craze — have gained a huge audience in a very cost-effective manner.
These types of cheap online video distribution are entertaining and effective, while creating a huge buzz for their product without reaching too far into their advertising budget. These types of viral videos don’t always work, however, so it is important to utilize quality video production methods when creating a viral video ad campaign.
For larger companies who can service cities across the nation, such as Chicago and Denver, video production should appeal to a wider variety of consumers in all areas of the nation and the world. For smaller, local companies who can only service local areas, such as Provo, or Pueblo, video production is more likely to be lower budget and regional targeting can allow for regional humor and references that only appeal to the company’s target audience.
Regardless of the nature of your company, organization, or purpose, the Internet’s capacity for video marketing can be a great asset. From Holly Springs, to Colorado Springs, video production and distribution can be greatly enhanced using online tools and services meaning that your company can get greater visibility for a lower cost.
Art Gib writes for Alexander Film (http://www.alexanderfilm.com) a Denver video production company that offers corporate and individual video production at affordable prices.
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