The one virtue any site must possess is creativity. Internet competition is a ruthless and competitive rivalry that shows no mercy. Every means and methods of Internet marketing should be used and employed.
Irregardless of your website or product’s quality, the reality is, if you have no site visitors your site is useless. Obviously,if the above is true, you will not make any money nor will you be successful. Your business will die a lonely death.
Admittedly, there are a number of traffic building techniques that are used by various webmasters. Some can help help build traffic while others have the added benefit of building page rank as well. One of the most popular means of building traffic is called Viral Marketing.
To some, viral marketing, may lead to images of computer viruses, the dread of all computer users. While it has been used in this fashion by certain marketers and types of marketers, it is not the norm for this kind marketing effort. Other negative connotations of viral marketing can be the use of popups and spyware ads. Using any of these can be very detrimental to your online business.
Basically, this type of advertising is a technique used to raise awareness of a product or company. It uses many different forms of media to reach potential customers without the marketer actually having to actively promote the product. It uses an addictive form of advertising which encourages the readers to pass the product on with the company links etc. in it or on it.
The basic marketing idea is that, if a person likes the content of the media, they will pass it on to their friends and family. They, in turn, will pass it on to their friends and family. Hence, the viral effect of this type of marketing.
The media can be in the form of a flash game, an e-book, an informative report, etc. The parent company sponsors the media which will have an active link, company logo, or content, etc. in it for potential customers to click on and visit the site. The effectiveness of this type of marketing is said to be the best in promotion techniques.
In all truth, viral marketing has become one of the hottest means to promote one’s site or service known online. Partially due to its low cost. One such version of this is to use e-mail. In it, the e-mail is not considered spam as it has the sender’s name and address in it. The recipient sees the friend’s name and is more likely to open it and not consider it spam. It works.
The main advantage of viral marketing is a low cost publicity and public awareness with minimal effort on the marketer’s effort. The added benefit is targeted traffic to the owner’s site again with little additional effort on the site owner’s part. The traffic can be exponential. With some ingenuity and creativity, a site owner can offer prizes or incentives to build additional traffic and build public awareness.
Not using viral marketing could kill your online enterprise.This is one marketing technique that could easily build your search engine ratings along with other Internet Marketing techniques. Low cost, viral, and effective this can build your traffic to levels of success unmatched by most other forms of advertising.
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