The one virtue that helps sites overcome the competition online is creativity. With so many competing, you must employ every method of marketing you can to stay ahead.
Do you have a killer product? A really cool website? If people don’t know you are there, none of it matters and you won’t make a dime. Worst of all, your business could die a slow, anonymous death.
There are a lot of methods used by e-commerce sites to advertise and drive traffic. Some of them will really give you a boost in the rankings. One of these methods is Viral Marketing.
While we normally think of the term ‘viral’ with ‘virus’ a term that all computer owners dread Viral Marketing isn’t what it may appear. You’re not using a virus to market your business; in reality, this is just a way to utilize the best aspects of word of mouth advertising. It is much more effective than pop up ads and spyware.
Viral Marketing Overview
Viral Marketing is also known as Viral Advertising. This is a technique of marketing that is very effective in building awareness for a company. By using media to reach out to the public, Viral Marketing uses entertaining or informational media to promote the product without directly using it. These media are forwarded from person to person, who then enjoy the entertainment, and have exposure to your website link and product line.
Briefly, the concept is that if people like the media content, they will continue to keep passing it on to friends and family. The company (you) sponsor a specific media like a funny video, a cool game or an amusing story. It is passed around along with your company logo or brand which may contain product descriptions or other material to promote your company or product.
This is a pretty low cost method of advertising that is extremely effective. It avoids being logged as spam mail because each email is sent individually by a friend of the person who receives it. The person who receives it won’t block the email address of someone they know.
Some companies offer discounts, rebates and other incentives to help spread their viral marketing. Companies track the number of recipients that get the viral marketing from a single person to determine the incentive they earn.
Using Viral Marketing to your advantage
The big advantage to viral marketing is you get a lot of publicity and public awareness for your business. Your traffic will increase with potential customers. All it takes is a little creativity and maybe a few incentives to reach out to a large number of people in a very personal manner and introduce them to your existence.
Many sites are catching on to the effectiveness of viral marketing and advertising. Use it to keep your business healthy and growing. Along with search engine optimization and other methods, viral marketing can easily put you in the lead when it comes to rankings.
Some say viral marketing is a bit sneaky. Maybe. But it is nevertheless effective. People come across your media entertainment and pass them along to a friend, who passes it to another friend, and so on. This is a low cost method of advertising that can keep your bottom line healthy and happy. All it takes is a good idea, a gripping video or a fun game. Make a buzz about it create gossip it is an effective way to market movies. Remember “The Blair Witch Project”? Use the same method for your company.
Several large companies have successfully used viral marketing. An example is Microsoft’s Hotmail. They were the first big company to use this marketing method and it worked wonderfully for them.
Let viral marketing work its magic for you. Act now and see where this unique method of marketing takes you and your sales.
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