Many people are concerned about whether cell phones cause cancer. Computer monitors and microwave ovens are also a concern. Unfortunately, in this day and age, it is almost impossible to get by without using some sort of elecrical device.
Most jobs require the knowledge and use of computer screens. It is hard to have a job now without it involving a computer in some way. Cell phones are also everywhere and it has even become common place for children to have them. It is hard to stand in the way of technology as it methodically takes over our lives.
The problem is that it is too soon to know whether cell phones and computer monitors are damaging to our health. Right now, in 2008, there are no real indicators that either of these things will cause cancer or do any other harm to the users. However, ten or twenty years from now symptoms may be revealed or again, nothing may happen.
At this time, we are all test subjects using these new technologies as they become available. The only way to stay 100% safe is to never use them. That is easier said than done though, as they become more and more a part of society. Cell phones keep getting smaller and having better reception and as this happens, people become more and more used to using them. Cell phones have also become a fashion statement with the young as they are eager to adopt this new technology. It would take some very conclusive evidence of a danger to using them to slow down their progression.
In the case of cell phones, if you are truly concerned about a cancer potential, it is best to use them with a headset. All cell phones can be used with a headset attachment that can be bought inexpensively in almost any cell phone store. Right now, cell phones are indeed dangerous as so many people use them and drive at the same time. Using a headset is recommended for general safety while driving as it frees up both hands.
If you do some research on the web about the link between cell phones and cancer, you will find a variety of opinions. Some people strongly believe there is a link and other believe the opposite. It is difficult for the normal person to pick a side and determine what is correct. The cell phone industry of course says there is no evidence of a link while other watchdog groups say there is. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle but more will be known sometime in the future. I hope that isn’t too late.
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