Text messaging, or texting is the term used for the sending of short text messages from mobile phones using the Short Message Service (SMS). It contains 160 characters or fewer, including spaces and is available on most digital mobile phones and some personal digital assistants with on-board wireless telecommunications. The individual messages which are sent are called text messages, or in the more colloquial text speak texts.
There are so many reasons why people of different places preferred SMS instead of sending emails or making calls. But despite the rapidly increasing rate of texters, there are also some who preferred emails more than SMS. Reasons of preferences may vary, some may choose emails and some may settle with SMS. Whatever form of communication they choose, surely they have number of reasons for it.
The following are some of the possible reasons why people are used to sending SMS rather than other communication forms. Personal researches were conducted to obtain results which are as follows:
ACCESSIBLE – Not everyone has a desktop or laptop computers to send emails to other people. That means not everyone has an email account, especially those who are living in rural areaa where are times are hard and the connection signal, as well.
CHEAP RATES – Sending SMS do not require huge amount of money like what we spend talking to our relatives or coulleagues. Once we run out of cellphone loads, communication will suddenly stop but can be resumed the moment your cellphone is loaded again. In using phones, it is quite difficult for one to end a conversation. You will just find out at the end of the day that your telephone bills reached the highest limit of your history!
DELAY RESPONSES – In SMS, we can delay our responses to certain messages. Say, if you are not yet in your normal mood to talk or communicate with other people, you may respond to them the moment you desire to do so. Let’s give the same credit to email technoly but then, again, not everyone has an email account to receive your letters.
CONSTANT COMMUNICATIONS – Exchanging SMS will definitely build a very good communication to texters if they will just open the line in between them. Continuously sending and receiving messages will create a good relationship. There were many testimonies that they have found their lovedones through texting and I am proud to say I’m one of them.
QUICK RESPONSES – Responses via SMS is quicker than those of email and other forms of comunciation. You can easily reply to people within a minute! And they can get back to you in less than a minute too! Quite good, right?
PROMOTIONAL BENEFITS – We usually enjoy promotional benefits of different cellphone networks. Every communication network doesn’t stop from launching different promos and we, as consumers are the ones enjoying it. Some are having unlimited texting, calls and the like where the consumer has to enroll his load to the unlimited service.
But of course, despite the advantages, there are also disadvantages that we encounter in texting. Moreover, these are just minimal disadvantages that wont harm, anyway.
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