Following are some of the tried and tested sales techniques that will help you make the best use of the resources that you are using on your money making website. If you are promoting some kind of products or services through your website, these sales techniques are certainly going to increase the sales to a great extent. The following techniques will not only bring new traffic to your site but they will also help you retain your old visitors. Repeat visitors are important for the success of a money making website, and this is where you will find these techniques a great help.
In order to have a better understanding of the success story of your website, it is recommended that you have your visitors fill out a survey. However, if you are plainly requesting the visitors to fill out the survey for you as a favor, it is very unlikely that they will do so. Always remember; when it comes to running a money making website, there is no free lunch. Therefore, it is always better to offer them a free gift for filling out the survey. A free e-book can be the best free gift in this regard. The e-book must be attractive enough to entice the visitors to fill out the survey. In that free e-book, do not forget to place your ads in an impressive manner. Utilize every opportunity that comes your way.
It is recommended that you do not to keep the same free gifts for a long time. If the visitors see the same gift again and again, it may have a very negative impression on them and they may lose interest in your money making website. Therefore, even if you do not change the content of the e-book, you should at least change its title. For example, if earlier it was “Free Killer Marketing E-book!” after a week or so, you may change the title as “Free Sizzling Marketing E-book!”.
You will come across all types of customers on your money making website. Some of them will also be dissatisfied with your business. Their dissatisfaction may egg them on to do negative word-of-mouth marketing for your website. This may ruin all your efforts. Therefore, try to please such customers as much as you can. Some of the best ways to do this may include giving them a rebate, a discount, a free product, a refund, a coupon, a compliment, etc. Use your imagination. You have to learn to be polite and practice it.
Keeping in mind the above things are certainly going to convert your ordinary website into a money making website.
David C. Thornton
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