Pay Per Click programs are a fast and easy way to monetize your website. Advertisers compete every day for a piece of your websites unused real estate. Pay Per Click generates income from your site by placing small text links with a few lines of ad copy on your page. If you aren’t using popular pay per click ad programs to monetize your website then you are defnitely missing out on easy money.
When you signup with your chosen PPC program you’ll receive a code that you should place somewhere on your website that is the most visible. It’s best to make it blend in with your content. For example, if you have a white background then you would make the background of your ads white as well. If you follow that rule and your content is relevant to the ads you will get a great click through rate. You want your click through rate to be very high as you will make the most money this way.
It’s one of the most effective forms of advertising money can buy. The ads you choose to display will be relevant to your webpages content. The impressions you receive to your website will automatically have a good clickthrough rate.
If you already have some traffic the results are instantaneous. It really is an easy way to turn on a revenue faucet for your own website.
One of the most popular PPC programs is Google Adsense. It pays out billions every year in publisher commissions to webmasters like yourself. I personally use them to make a few thousand dollars every month for minimal work on my end. Google Adsense uses a web spider that will crawl your webpages content automatically and display the most relevant ads they have in their stock of advertisers. Google Adsense usually pays the most for your content so you should get approved by them first before looking at others.
If you want to get the most out of your Pay Per Click program then you should target the high paying keywords. Keywords such as “Mortage” generate huge click commissions. You can find a good list of high paying PPC keywords at:!&id=33537
As always, be sure that your content is helpful and relevant to the end user or your PPC affiliate program will suspend you. It’s also important to note that you should always look in to alternative sources of revenue to diversify. You should always have a back up plan to generate revenue with your favorite website.
Ryan Ginster is the owner of Cheap Personalized Gifts and also writes for his blog at: Live Net Biz Blog.
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