If you are going to be successful on the Internet at making money, you will need to pay close attention to the search engine rankings of your website. A high ranking on the search engines for your targeted words or subjects is the difference between total failure and a successful website.
More than 80% of the people on the Internet find what they are looking for by using search engines. The top search engine by far is Google, followed by Yahoo and then MSN. If you can get your website’s pages on the first page of Google you will most likely get a steady stream of visitors. That is what everyone is trying to do and that is what is called SEO or search Engine Optimization.
SEO is as complicated as you want to make it but it doesn’t have to be that way. The title you use on your blog or website is the most important of all. Make sure you use the important keywords or phrases you have chosen in every title as this is the first thing the search engines see. Your title should be carefully thought out to say and target exactly what you want your visitors to be searching for.
Your websites content is also very important. Search engines cannot read pictures and graphics so keep in mind that although a picture or two can make your site look better, it does nothing to tell Google what your page is about. Make sure you repeat your keywords every so often but try not to put them too many times on one page. This is called “keyword stuffing” and may end up upsetting the Google gods if you do it.
After you have written quality targeted content on your site, it is time to think about links. Another way Google determines what your site is about is by looking at the links that link to your site. If everyone links to your site using the words “fast cars” then Google will determine your site is about fast cars and not “tall trees”.
The number of incoming links and what their anchor text is (“fast cars” would be the anchor text) helps Google decide not only what your site is about but also how important it is. If your site has 10 incoming links about fast cars and another has 100 of the same type of links, Google will decide that your competitor’s site is more “important” than yours and most likely list that site ahead of yours. This is why you need to be forever obtaining incoming links to maintain and improve your website’s search engine rankings.
In the end, websites with high search engine rankings will make more money than those with low rankings. They will get more free visitors and if properly positioned, those visitors will translate into dollars. The Internet marketing game is a complicated game that anyone can play but only those that know what they are doing will be successful.
Are you looking for ways to make money on the Internet? Please visit my site Home Jobs for some great ways to get started making money.
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