Learning how to make money online can be a challenging task since there is now quite a fair bit of competition. However do not let this deter you into thinking that you cannot succeed. There are still many niches that remain untapped and could be exploited if you just did a little searching and research of your own.
One of the best ways to make money on the internet is by using the Google adsense program. When you place adsense ads on your site you will get paid for every ad click a visitor does. Even though the amount you receive per click is not great it is not hard to see that it can add up really quickly and remember that you are getting paid without having to sell any products or services of your own.
The first step to creating income from adsense is to create a quality informational site. This is why it is important to have a passion for the sites you create while at the same time making sure that there is a market for them too. There is no point creating a site on a topic that no one is interested in. Also do not monetize your site solely with adsense. Consider creating some of your own products too or use related affiliate products. This will ensure multiple income streams from your website.
The key to making big money with adsense is to optimize the positioning of your ads and the appearance of them. Placing ads towards the center of the page and above the fold is always a good idea so make sure to have at least one ad unit in that location. Also be sure to place one ad unit at the bottom of the page as this will give visitors a place to go once they are done reading the content on the page.
In addition it can also be effective to place ads embedded within your articles in your site. However be sure that your ads do not squeeze your content too much otherwise this will turn off visitors and they will simply leave your site either by hitting the back button or doing another search. Remember that you want to send quality visitors to the websites in your adsense ads because if the advertisers do well then they will bid higher which will raise the average bid and also potentially raise the average pay per click.
It may be best to resist the temptation to create hundreds of sites that have essentially duplicated content. There is nothing wrong with adding an article every now and then that you like and wish to syndicate on your site however be sure that your site also has plenty of unique original content. Make sure that you are the expert in your niche so do your homework and learn as much as you can and share that knowledge on your site.
Also having a totally unique site can help to improve search engine rankings which is something you should strive for with your site also. Getting a good search engine ranking is a function of site uniqueness, quality inbound links and good content. Remember that search engines also use human reviewers to check out sites for many reasons so make sure your site is of the best quality you can make it. The adsense program allows you to use 3 ad units and 2 link units for each content rich page.
It is important to not place adsense on pages that have little or no content. The more content you have on your pages, the more ads you should place to maximize click through rates. Also try to blend your ads in with the general appearance of your site so make the colors similar to the rest of your site and do as much as you can to not make your ads stand out too much. Be sure to take advantage of adsense to help you make more money online.
Shakil is an online researcher, author and a regular contributor to a site that shows people how to make money online. Be sure to visit and also learn about affiliate marketing too.
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