For years now, people have been using cellphones, and thinking nothing of it. In fact, there is a plethora of data to back up the fact that these phones emit very low levels of electromagnetic radiation; far less than an x-ray or MRI, and are therefore safe. Yet, what about the long-term effects of this radiation? It is a known fact that sun is good for you – you get vitamin D from exposure to it, but too much will give you a sunburn. Plus, over the years, the cumulative effects of too much sun can lead to skin cancer.
So, what about cellphones? Okay, it is true that they emit very little radiation, but there is the issue of the cumulative effect. There is also a great deal of data to support the contention that these cumulative effects can be quite detrimental to people’s health. In recent years, we have seen a rise in various types of cancers – brain, ear and eye, and other ailments related to the brain: migraines, epilepsy and impotency, to name only a few.
As if that is not bad enough, there is the issue of children’s health. It is well known that children are very susceptible to all manner of health problems. As their small bodies are growing and consuming vast amounts of nutrients, they can also consume things that are not good for them; and their cells and organs can be damaged by many things. This is where cellphone radiation can cause a great deal of trouble.
It is for this reason that you should follow some basic precautions. First off, try to avoid cooking food for infants and children in a microwave oven. It may be easier to warm a baby’s bottle in a microwave, but it is not in the child’s best interest. Next, do not leave your cellphone lying around where your children can get hold of it, and do not let them talk on it too much. What is really best; turn your cellphone off when you do not need it. Then there is where you keep your cellphone. Try to avoid carrying it on your person. If it is near your heart, that can lead to trouble. Down at your waist, there is ovarian or testicular cancer to be considered. And, if you are a woman, and you are pregnant, be sure to keep the phone away from your belly!
By following a few simple precautions, you can greatly reduce your chances of ill health as a result of cellphone radiation. When you consider some of the medical problems that can result from too much exposure, you will see that these steps are in your best long-term interest.
Educational Cell Phone Digital Book by Paul Fitzgerald, EMF expert, graduated from NJIT in Newark, NJ. He has been studying EMF’s for over 15 years.. He has done over 100 radio shows in 2006 and released his book CellPhone Lies To learn more go to EMF Radiation News.
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