We have all seen adverts like this on the Internet so many times. Why is it that every business wants their website to be at the top of Google? The answer to that question is that due to the fierce competitiveness on the Internet, if your website does not appear on the first few pages, the only person who is likely to be looking at it is you.
Adverts such as these are not completely true. There is no guarantee that you will be in the number one spot on Google, or any other search engine for that matter, and if by chance you find yourself up there in first place it may well be down to keywords that none of your potential readers are actually looking for anyway.
How is this, you may ask? Well, Google’s programmers keep the precise basis on which websites are rated and located a well guarded secret. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts have in the past been able to discover many of the factors that Google weighs to decide which position to allocate to any particular website. Nonetheless, no-one is aware of exactly how much weight Google attaches to each single factor. This way, even the experts don’t always get it right and spending large amounts of money on SEO sometimes turns out to be fruitless.
So how does this affect your business when you are trying to increase the visibility of your website? Is it possible for your site to climb to the top of Google? The answer to this question is yes, possibly! With extremely hard work and taking into account many factors including the nature of what you are promoting, you can get into the top ten positions. Your sites domain name, its number of pages and how well you use your keywords all go into making up the equation.
Here are a few tips to boost your website position and the ensuing sales.
First or all your website needs to be the best one possible for the products and services you are offering. If your site does not look professional, is not user friendly, is not eye-catching and is not proving the products people want, it will make no difference even if you do get into the top search engine positions, you will still not sell anything.
Try adding regular features including special offers and articles to your site. Watch what your competitors are up to and most of all keep up with new trends. A little research goes a long way and this allows you to improve your site with updates on a regular basis. Use website forms to collate details of your visitors and use this method of communicating with them.
Then you need to identify the keywords best suited to your website. When folks surf the net they type in relevant words. The search engines then do their job of finding and listing the sites with matching content. If you include the items people are looking for in the text of your website, you will help your site to be found. Which words would people who are looking for your products type in the search box? Have a look at the words your competitors are emphasizing on their sites. That’s always worth doing.
Following on from above, you should apply standard website optimization techniques to your site. Good website developers understand the basic technical aspects of SEO (the density of the keywords, using keywords in the page titles, selecting keywords and tags etc) so you should really be focusing on the actions you can take and have influence over as the owner of the site.
You are providing the content so make sure you sprinkle the keywords throughout the site. Take a look at how often the words “website” and “products” can be found in this article. However, make sure you use the keywords in the right context. Combine your phrases but let them flow in a natural way. Let’s face it you do not want to get right up there with Google then lose customers because they do not like the way your website reads.
Another good move is to get websites to link to yours. These links count in your favor.
In conclusion, whilst SEO is necessary and worth the price you pay for it, there are quite a few things you can do yourself to optimize your site instead of SEO or in addition to it. Don’t forget that the results of doing this will take time to show but wherever you are on the Google rankings putting these things into practice will be of great benefit to your website and to your business.
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