How can you add to your website’s earning potential?
It all starts when you realize that you can earn income by properly displaying Adsense ads on your pages. While most people are already aware of what Adsense is, more and more people are beginning to fully understand that a good amount of money can be generated from this revenue source.
First, let’s consider some basic principles. The Math. If you get anywhere from a few cents to a couple of dollar per click, then the more clicks the more money. That is Simple enough. Now the part many people forget. The more pages you have, the more pages people have access to click on, the more money. Try multiplying your per pages calculated amount by the number of pages you have to get a rough idea of the true potential of Adsense.
Google Adsense has become a relatively fast and easy method that website developers can use to offset costs, while providing ads that are relevant to their websites content. These ads are often of interest to the reader simply because they are based on what the reader is already searching for. This provides some income to them and a service to the users. This is one of the main reasons why you can both monetize and enhance your content pages with Adsense.
The potential income that can be generated is only limited to how much the advertisers are willing to pay, and how many clicks are generated. If the keywords the promoter has selected are in high demand, you could receive more dollars per click. On the other hand, low demand keywords will earn you just a few cents per click. These keywords can be as little as a few cents, to as high as $20 or $30 per click.
How to turn your website into an Adsense Machine
1: Visit and sign up for your free account. Takes about 2 minutes.
2: Once your website has been accepted, you can generate Adsense code. You have the options to create display areas that fit your website. You can pick the colors, size, shape and types of ads being displayed.
3: Add the code to your website pages. You can insert Adsense code into as few or many pages as you wish. You can even add more then one Adsense block per page (up to three), and they can be different shapes, content or colors. Pick the blocks that work for your website. Google also offers ideas as to where to place them for better affects. This can be quite helpful to increase your clicks, and your revenues.
4: Publish your website with your new code added. Once your pages are live, you can start earning revenues from your Adsense blocks.
*Important Note* Google frowns on Click fraud. This is where you click on your own ads in your website in an attempt to earn income. Simple enough, don’t risk it.
5: Check your statistics by logging into your Adsense account. While you’re at it, consider adding the Google Analytics functionality to your website as well. Let the Adsense keep track of your earning and use Analytics to track your website traffic. They both go hand in hand, the more traffic, the more Adsense clicks you have potential for.
One thing you might wish to do is to look at other sites that are running Adsense. You might try to pattern your Adsense blocks in a similar fashion to those sites that are earning successfully. Position, size, and colors are all factors affecting how your website will perform and the amount of money it will give you.
It is a common issue that when a site begins earning money, the tendency is for the owner to try and “grind out” more money then they are already getting. Have some patience. It will usually take some time combined with trial and error to attain what you want for your Adsense contents.
Derek Wood is an avid internet marketer and a successful online and offline business owner. He has been actively building his internet-based businesses, including web-hosting, retail stores, online publishing, and online marketing for more then 20 years.
Get more information by visiting his website ,
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