Are you Squidoo-ing? If not, you should be. It takes very little effort and the publicity and money you can make from it make it well worth your time.
Some people call Squidoo Web 2.0, while others call it a Social Networking Site. Whatever you might want to call it, it was created a few years ago by marketing genius, Seth Godin. Since that time many people have taken advantage of the site to help their Internet Marketing businesses and many other types of ventures.
It’s really very easy to set-up a Squidoo lens. All you have to do is go to Squidoo and sign-up. Then you can start creating a lens right away.
You can create a lens on any topic of your choice. It can be all about you or you can create the lens about a product or service of yours. It’s completely up to you.
You need to be careful, though; you have to put good content on each one of your lenses or your pages might be seen as SPAM and then you’ll probably get kicked off Squidoo.
Some people spend a lot of time working on their Squidoo lens(es). These people (called lens masters) might try to get a high ranking on Squidoo and a high ranking on Google and other search engines.
If you want to do this, then you are certainly welcome to do so. It’s comforting to know that Squidoo is once again favoured by Google. However, a few months ago all the spam content on Squidoo caused lenses to dramatically drop in ranking.
The one rule you want to follow is to include an important keyword in the title of your lens and then in the modules within the lens. This will let the search engine spiders find your lens and rank it according to the keyword / keyword phrase.
You can also visit other people’s lenses and leave comments for them and rank their lenses. Hopefully they’ll see you left a comment and they’ll visit your lens. This will help you in the rankings on Squidoo.
Lastly, update your lens at least once a week and preferably every other day. You don’t have to make any major changes but you should change something just to keep your lens fresh.
There are many great reports and books on the market that will help you succeed using Squidoo. But just having a lens or two will give you one more spot where you are marketing yourself and/or your products. And you can never have enough marketing opportunities.
So from now on when anyone asks you, “Do you Squidoo?” You better be able to answer, “Yes”!
Paula Brett is a writer and internet marketer. For a detailed plan that will show you how to use Squidoo to crack the first page of Google, visit Social Networking on Squidoo
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