If you are going to be successful in making money on the Internet, you will need to become proficient in picking keywords. Keywords, if used correctly, are the sign posts that will direct visitors to your site. And what is even better is that they will come for free. The first step to picking the right keywords is to gather and study keywords and phrases that pertain to your … [Read more...]
Make Money With Your Search Engine Rankings
If you are going to be successful on the Internet at making money, you will need to pay close attention to the search engine rankings of your website. A high ranking on the search engines for your targeted words or subjects is the difference between total failure and a successful website. More than 80% of the people on the Internet find what they are looking for by using … [Read more...]
Broadcast Your Business Through Viral Marketing
The digital age allowed the fastest and easiest mode of distributing information. Internet marketing has changed the world of selling. The old salesman wearing a flashy tie knocking on your doors, tapping on your windows and ringing your bells is a thing of the past. Try a simple approach called viral marketing. No, it has nothing to do with those nasties around in the cold … [Read more...]
The Importance Of Time In Search Engine Optimisation
Undoubtedly if you are in business you will have heard the term search engine optimisation being bandied around. For those embarking on an online business strategy the optimisation of your website is a vital constituent to achieving success. For the uneducated it is important to recognise that SEO and search engine optimisation are one in the same. Understanding this however … [Read more...]
Google AdSense: Where to Place Ads on Your Web Pages and a Profile of Bloggerparty
Deciding where to place your Google ads on your web pages so that they will be most profitable, this is one of the best parts of the whole Google AdSense experience. No one else gets to make this decision except you. It's your page. You get to decide how many (up to 3 ads per page), what colours and shapes you will use and on what part of the page the ad will be placed. Should … [Read more...]