If you are going to be successful in making money on the Internet, you will need to become proficient in picking keywords. Keywords, if used correctly, are the sign posts that will direct visitors to your site. And what is even better is that they will come for free. The first step to picking the right keywords is to gather and study keywords and phrases that pertain to your … [Read more...]
Make Money With Your Search Engine Rankings
If you are going to be successful on the Internet at making money, you will need to pay close attention to the search engine rankings of your website. A high ranking on the search engines for your targeted words or subjects is the difference between total failure and a successful website. More than 80% of the people on the Internet find what they are looking for by using … [Read more...]
SEO 101: Understanding Search Engine Optimization
For success on the web, you have to have a clear understanding of search engine optimization, or SEO, and how you can put it to work for your website. Search Engine Optimization is rather simple, and is one way to bring targeted and plentiful traffic to your website. This method does take time, but will definitely help you bring your website the traffic and success you want … [Read more...]
Setting Up WordPress Permalinks to Maximize Search Engine Rankings
Wordpress has become one of the most popular content management systems and blogging platforms for many people in today's connected world, rivaled only by Typepad (another content management system) because of Typepad's mobile blogging capabilities. Among the features that make Wordpress so popular are the simple interface and secure environment, but when it comes to making … [Read more...]
SEO Traffic Generation: Indexing Your Site Into Search Engines Quickly
In order to have success with your website, you have to generate traffic using exposure to your website. Getting web exposure requires being indexed. By simply submitting your sites, you are guaranteeing yourself a place in the inventory of websites search engines direct traffic to. The key to getting noticed quickly is to get your sites link on a highly ranked page. This … [Read more...]