The one virtue any site must possess is creativity. Internet competition is a ruthless and competitive rivalry that shows no mercy. Every means and methods of Internet marketing should be used and employed. Irregardless of your website or product's quality, the reality is, if you have no site visitors your site is useless. Obviously,if the above is true, you will not make any … [Read more...]
Do You Do Squidoo?
Are you Squidoo-ing? If not, you should be. It takes very little effort and the publicity and money you can make from it make it well worth your time. Some people call Squidoo Web 2.0, while others call it a Social Networking Site. Whatever you might want to call it, it was created a few years ago by marketing genius, Seth Godin. Since that time many people have taken … [Read more...]
Are You Talking Yourself to Success?
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it - Chinese Proverb Success is not something that just happens; not even to the gurus who seem to have cash gushing out of their very pores. Successful people follow a pattern of habitual positive attitudes and actions that includes positive phrasing when they speak. Are you a person with a negative … [Read more...]
Building Traffic With Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking is the hottest trend on the internet right now. Everyday millions of visitors use social bookmarking web sites. Some of the popular social bookmarking sites are,, Furl, Flickr, Slashdot, YouTube, MySpace, BlogMarks, Clipmarks, Feedmarker, RawSugar, Reddit, Simpy, Spurl, and StumbleUpon. They visit to find general and specialized … [Read more...]
Is Social Marketing a Colossal Waste of Time?
It's one of the buzzwords of today's internet world: Social marketing. If you've been selling on the internet for very long, or you've just been thinking about trying your hand at internet sales, you've probably read web page after web page about how social marketing is the future of ecommerce. But some marketers think it's a colossal waste of time. Is it worth the time and … [Read more...]