A targeted, loyal mailing list is essential to growing an online eBook business that will send a steady stream of income right into your bank account. When you have a mailing list, you can build up customer loyalty and create a relationship with your subscribers that will have them more than willing to buy your products. You are probably slightly puzzled right now about why … [Read more...]
Viral Marketing – 7 Great Ideas
Here are seven great ideas to help you start your viral marketing campaign (by the way, if you don't know how to do any of this then I recommend outsourcing the more technical aspects): 1. Install tell a friend code on your web-site, preferably one that offers incremental incentive. 2. Purchase the branding rights to a viral E-book. Even better if it's PLR. Rebrand that … [Read more...]
Word Of Mouth Marketing – The True Power Of Word Of Mouth Marketing
What exactly is word of mouth marketing? It's simply when someone refers or recommends a product or service. Having a positive buzz can grow your business fast, and the best way to accomplish this is through word of mouth marketing. All current studies reveal that this form of marketing is the most powerful, but it is often not used to its fullest potential. When someone … [Read more...]
Why Tell A Friend? – How Viral Marketing Can Generate More Traffic To Your Site
As a webmaster you know that it would be a great thing if you could get every visitor to 'tell a friend' about your web-site. Basically it would mean that for every 'told friend' you would be getting a FREE visitor, even better, one that had been 'pre-sold' to a certain degree, because their friend had recommended, or pre-sold, your site. Even better if that friend told … [Read more...]
Why Is Viral Marketing So Effective?
Viral marketing is an amazing method of generating traffic and leads but also creates a great demand for a yet to be released product. Viral marketing is not a marketing strategy. It's in genius and quite valuable for many marketers that rely on the internet for a full time income. Viral Marketing is so successful because it creates the curiosity and desire needed to generate … [Read more...]