Social bookmarking is the hottest trend on the internet right now. Everyday millions of visitors use social bookmarking web sites. Some of the popular social bookmarking sites are,, Furl, Flickr, Slashdot, YouTube, MySpace, BlogMarks, Clipmarks, Feedmarker, RawSugar, Reddit, Simpy, Spurl, and StumbleUpon. They visit to find general and specialized information. It is the method of saving bookmarks to a public web site and tagging them with keywords. Social bookmarking opens new avenues in organized information. The creator of a bookmark assigns tags to each resource,
Since any web page can be bookmarked, social bookmarking sites has this basic element bookmarking as their marketing technique. Whereas Google and other search engines like the MSN and Yahoo! Use their spiders to visit the web sites to gather information, social bookmarking sites are used by real people who leave the information on these sites for others to benefit from the information, or rather, the bookmarks.
As these social bookmarking sites are very popular, they are constantly being updated by its millions of users daily. Naturally, these sites are also the search engines favorite and the search engines update them daily in their databases.
A common feature of both the search engines and the social bookmarking sites is they both help in making your web site known to the world and generate traffic to it. Compared to the search engines, the social marketing sites can generate large amount of traffic to your site. Hence, these sites are growing in popularity.
As the search engines use keywords for the purpose of searching and finding web sites, the social bookmarking sites use tags to perform the same function. While simple-minded people use the sites to store interesting web sites, the online marketers use these sites to advertise their sites, services, and products.
Many smart people all over the world are making tons of money using social bookmarking sites. They use these sites to bring in targeted traffic and convert them into buyers of their online products and services. This Web 2.0 tool of social bookmarking is a fantastic way of creating revenues. The fun fact is, it is not very hard to achieve it, and everyday thousands of people are raking in money by using the social bookmarking sites.
Social bookmarking is a good way to promote your web site. These social bookmarking sites can produce great traffic to your site, and therefore, making more money through the use of social bookmarking sites is possible.
Benefits of social bookmarking apart from getting a huge traffic to your site are achieving reputation through being a trusted site and expert in your niche, increases in RSS subscribers, getting plenty of backlinks is usually one way to your site, and a good revenue through sales courtesy the huge traffic that you get daily to your web site.
You should participate in the social bookmarking community to increase your popularity, share the different resources you find with others, and not just seed your own content. Above all, dont spam these sites. Other SEO related benefits are fast indexing of your web site, instant traffic, and more natural links to your site. is a Kansas City Website Design company the specializes in web development, creative design solutions and result oriented strategic SEO services.
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