It is extremely common for people who are considering writing their own eBook to ask themselves “Why would anyone want to buy an eBook from me?”
That’s a perfectly valid question. If they’ve never heard of you, why should they buy from you? Well, of course, they may not – well, not right away at least. You have to build your reputation and online credibility and you can achieve this with just a couple of simple processes.
The most basic technique to get a reputation is to become a member of related forums and post useful answers to questions that other members post. Be as helpful as you can whenever you can.
Make your posts logical and thoughtful. Include the link back to your eBook in your signature and never stop marketing – do be subtle about it in forums. Where allowed (some forums don’t allow this) add a linked signature at the end of all your posts.
The most powerful way to spread your reputation across the Internet is to give away an eBook with tips or steps to accomplish something, or solutions to common problems.
If you do not want to give away your first eBook, the one you wish to sell on your website, write a shorter one, or release a `leaked chapter’ – a juicy sneak preview of your main eBook. Make sure it is very informative and give it to away to online colleagues so that they can distribute it to their customers or subscribers.
Why not offer your eBook as a bonus for signing up to your newsletter or blog? Do make sure you have links back to your main eBook, website and other products prominently displayed inside the giveaway eBook.
That free eBook will circle the globe in time – still carrying your name and contact information, including a link to your site. This could make sales for you for years after you wrote it. This is viral marketing doing what it’s supposed to do…beautiful!
Make sure that you draw customers into your eBook world. A great way to do this is to add tests of their knowledge about your subject. People love to test themselves to see where they stand with their knowledge.
Be creative and get your customers to interact with you through your eBook. Make them part of the world of your eBook and you will have customers for a long time.
To your success…
Paula Brett is a writer and internet marketer. You can get her Free 7-day eBook Creation eCourse here Visit her popular blog at
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