It is with a look at how Content Management Systems (CMS) have been able to take Search Engines (SE) by storm that we were introduced to Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and Siloing. In trying to create a much easier back end solution, CMS’s knowingly or unknowingly stumbled on probably the panacea to “all the free traffic you can get” with SEs.
Let us take an example of one of the widely used CMS, Word Press. Word Press is a free blogging software that allows for easy web publishing. If you have used a word processor in a computer you will be able to put up a site with Word Press. All you need is to type in your content. Point and click to create links, choose a category for the post; then a click here and a click there and your post is live on the internet.
In particular it is the ability to create categories with such softwares that tends to set them for SE dominance. In our example, if we blogged about holidays in Kenya, we would likely group similar content for easy access for our visitors. Possible categories would include restaurants, game drives, attraction sites etc. So if we were to blog on our experience and opinions on Tratoria Restaurant we would categories that post under the category on restaurants. The CMS software would then automatically group this post together with the all other post under that category without any HTML coding on our part. So if you were to click on the restaurant link on your blog you will find all posts on restaurant and nothing but restaurants.
What the categorization feature of the software was able to do on the fly is siloing. And with siloing, LSI is nearly guaranteed. Obviously grouping closely related content together will often result to synonyms as well as related terms. This in turn is translated as high relevance by SEs which results to higher ranking of the blog post for our keywords.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and consequent flood of free targeted traffic becomes easier when you understand that what SEs are trying to do. And this is to serve pages that are spot on or relevant as regards the search query. CMSs are able to create such highly relevant site structure without the need for technical know how on the part of the blogger. Yet however powerful a tool is, it is still ineffective if you do not know how to use it. If you have patronized blogs you will notice that most blogs are primarily categorized according to default setting of date, months and year of posting. There is probably no better way of plummeting you SE relevance.
Courtesy of the leading All-in-One Small Online Business solution Review Site Build It. Find out more before you buy site build it here.
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