What makes a good connection for networking PCs and allowing computers to communicate with each other, whilst you play a LAN game? The RJ45 patch leads of course. Ok, maybe this is something you have never heard of before, but it is still vital piece of equipment when it comes to all things technological. For those who do know what the RJ45 patch lead is, will know that it is useful piece of device that helps to send across data information.
Originally patch leads were used in telecommunication, way back when film was grainy and lacked Technicolor. They were so named as early uses of telephones were proceeded through an operator, who would connect or patch the call through by plugging in a lead into another socket. This took a few minutes but this was what they would call patching a call through. The term stuck to identifying the cable, because it quite literally was the way a patch lead worked.
The RJ45 connector is so named for its use in telecommunication. This is best described as the cable, which has a flat connecting end and plugs into the phone socket. There are many different types of connectors including RJ11, RJ 14 and RJ25. RJ45 patch leads are possibly the most favoured piece of equipment in the UK, with these being the main source for data transference and networking. The RJ in RJ 45 stands for registered jack and refers to the wired jack.
These RJ45 patch leads may not be the most beautiful things you have ever seen, unless of course as stated before you are passionate about computers and networking! However, without these we would not be able to make good uses of our music industry, send data across from one computer to another in a blink of an eye, play our favourite games against each and hold LAN parties, make telephone calls, gain faster internet connection and the list goes on. In short these are possibly one of the most important things in our modern world.
Older cables were much more bulkier and high maintenance, they were inefficient in transferring data across from one computer to another and would generally lose information during the transfer process. Modern cables tend to be smaller, thinner, less maintenance and rarely lose data information when transferring. These have become useful for most major businesses and organisations, sending out vital information at quick time making things easier to run.
Anna Stenning is an expert on using RJ45 patch leads, having used them in her last place of employment.
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