Customers when searching for a particular product, on the internet, will enter the name of that product and/or perhaps the type of company that may produce the product they are looking. The search result will more than likely generate a long list of companies, to include yours, from which the consumer can buy the product they are looking for. As you can see the competition for the products you produce and advertise can be immense. The question is: How do you gain the edge over your competition? The answer is video marketing.
Another issue that concerns the consumer when purchasing merchandise through the internet is identity theft. Because of the growing incidence of identity theft on the internet people, unless they feel comfortable with a company, are ever more reluctant to place their credit card number on a website that they may want to purchase a product from. Video marketing can be of help here too.
First, video marketing helps you to directly connect with the consumer. This connection in turn can put your customer at ease because they feel they know you and your company and therefore increasing the trust value the customer will have for your company. Secondly, a company on the scam will more than likely not go through the trouble of developing and filming an advertisement because their investment would outweigh the immediate gain, and it’s the immediate gain that scam artists are after.
Many companies use television networks to market their goods. We know this type of marketing as commercials. And not only does the customer seeing the commercial buy the goods of a particular company, but that customer also tells their friends about that commercial, thus increasing sales for the company utilizing this medium. The word of mouth principle can also be applied to video marketing on the internet and it’s less costly than marketing your merchandise in a television commercial.
There’s a saying among writers: show, don’t tell. The best writers are able to get their readers to see the story, like a movie in the reader’s mind. The writer doesn’t say the character was afraid, for example, but shows through description, the terror the character has. This same principle can be applied to advertising on your website. Presenting text and pictures of your company’s products will generate some sales, but imagine how many more sales your company can make with a powerful video presentation. In your video you can show the product, demonstrate how it works, and highlight its features all in an entertaining video that’s fun to watch.
In the bottom frame of your video you display your website address while it plays. The viewer will not be able to avoid seeing it and will remember it and help them to remember the products you distribute. This technique is a marketing strategy that television commercials use all the time and it works. The only real difference between television commercials and video marketing is the costs. A television commercial costs thousands of dollars to produce, while video marketing costs merely pennies and you don’t need special equipment or personnel to do it.
Video4Leads Creates Local, National,and International Business Leads for you through internet video, article marketing, follow up marketing, increasing conversion on your website and more. #1 mistake companies make is no Internet Follow up Programm,We can take care of this for you. We you get the jump on your competition, so you Increase Traffic To Your Website
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