Here are seven great ideas to help you start your viral marketing campaign (by the way, if you don’t know how to do any of this then I recommend outsourcing the more technical aspects):
1. Install tell a friend code on your web-site, preferably one that offers incremental incentive.
2. Purchase the branding rights to a viral E-book. Even better if it’s PLR. Rebrand that e-book with your affiliate links and links to your target site. Allow people to give away your free E-book to their visitors. Then, their visitors will also give it away. This will just continue to spread your ad all over the Internet.
3. Set up a forum or other bulletin board. Create some code that allows people to use your online discussion board for their own website. Some people don’t have one. Just include your banner ad at the top of the board.
4. Create some templates, graphics, etc. and upload them to your site. Then allow people to give away your free web design graphics, fonts, templates, etc. Just include your ad on them or require people to link directly to your web site. Make sure that you include a link back to your site in the copyright notice and require them to keep your copyright notice intact. Free software is another good idea. You can also submit these to various free software directories, thereby not only increasing the viral aspect, but also links back to your site.
5. Write an E-book. Let people place an advertisement in your E-book if, in exchange, they give away the E-book to their web visitors or E-zine subscribers.
6. Write articles about your product or service. Allow people to reprint your articles on their website, in their E-zine, newsletter, magazine or E-books. Include your resource box and the option for article reprints at the bottom of each article. The easiest way is to submit to Ezine articles and they will take care of most of this for you.
7. You can easily find products, software, e-books on the Internet that will sell you a license allowing you to distribute the product free of charge to other people. Look for those products that provide PLR (Private Label Rights) or “branding rights”. That is where you can include your own name, website, and contact information.
As you can see, there are many ways to increase the viral nature of your business. Whichever path you choose, always remember to add tell a friend as this will only multiply your viral marketing efforts.
Allen Jesson is a word of mouth marketing expert and has developed a new tell a friend application that dramatically increases the viral marketingviral marketing appeal of any web-site.
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