Internet Marketing is a hot niche for those with eBook businesses. It would seem that half the world is interested in making some cash online and kissing their jobs goodbye. For an increasing number, this is more than just a pipe dream – it’s a real possibility – particularly so for anyone with interests and knowledge beyond the TV schedule.
Maybe you are thinking about creating an entire business around creating and selling eBooks from your website. There’s several ways to do this and make a good living while you are following your passion.
But you don’t need to stick to the `Internet Marketing’ niche; you can create eBooks on hundreds of niche subjects, like:
Growing vegetables or flowers
Hosting great parties
Raising pigeons
Caring for soft furnishings
Potty training your baby
Car maintenance
Inexpensive holiday destinations
The list is endless but the process is exactly the same… find the need for information, or a solution to a problem, and fill it. This may sound simple but it is very powerful for attracting buyers.
Almost everyone with a website is looking for a way to make their internet business generate good profits for them. eBooks can easily do that, especially if they are chock-full of useful tips and marketing strategies that have some successful track record. Here’s how you do it:
Try making a list of several possible topics. Pick those that interest you and have some marketability in the current online scene. Now take your list and put it in interest-order, your favorite at the top and working down. Research each one of them to see if there’s a void you can fill or a problem you can solve.
Narrow your research until you are satisfied that you have topics that people will want to read. Don’t worry if you feel that your `niche’ is over-crowded – if it’s a busy niche then people are obviously spending in that niche – there will still be room for your product.
Pick some keywords that pertain to your subjects and use keyword research tools to determine the amount of specific interest in your keywords. Change keywords or keyword phrases around until you are satisfied with your selections. Try long tail keywords, phrases of 4 or 5 words that specifically focus on what the customer is looking for.
Always use your hottest keywords in your product title. Use them in your promotional materials and in your sales letters. This simple technique will attract those search engine spiders like moths to a flame and customers to your sales pages.
Once your eBook is finished, get promoting – everywhere and every way you can…every day.
Paula Brett is a writer and internet marketer. You can get her Free 7-day eBook Creation eCourse here Visit her popular blog at
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