Producing an eBook for sale is one of the easiest ways to produce income on the internet that you can earn sales from for a long time to come. But take that eBook and offer it to other marketers with resale rights and you create double the power in marketing reach for your business.
Many publishers of eBooks offer resale rights so that their customers can include their eBooks in their web sites or blogs or reuse them in any form they like. The publisher will make a one time offer for these rights which includes the right to modify it to adapt to business needs while still acknowledging the original authorship. Software to draft the special codes for resale rights are available online.
Preparing and selling eBooks is one of the most profitable online business opportunities today. Many cash in on the demand the internet “give it to me now” hunger presents and they produce eBooks on a wide variety of specialized subjects. Some marketers approach freelance writers for writing the text as a ghostwriter, and are even prepared to pay high prices to get good quality work and retain the full copyright for complete ownership. Today, you can find eBooks on any topic under the sun.
EBooks are electronic books available online, usually in PDF formats, for reading on computers or dedicated eBook readers, or for printing off on your computer and reading hardcopy. Just like paper books these eBooks are also subject to copyright laws. Plagiarism or selling without permission is strictly punishable under copyright laws and anyone who gets caught faces stiff penalties. EBook resale rights should therefore be very prominently mentioned in your eBook for everyone to see, with clear explanation of permitted use and cautionary warnings.
Many hot selling eBooks today are business-oriented. Wildly popular topics are stock or forex trading, real estate or investments in other asset classes, making money and the ever popular ‘get rich quick.’ Many altruistic self-help topics and those which teach personal transformation and growth, weight loss, enhance self-image are available and sell very well. Even fiction and short stories are getting more and more popular these days as many prefer to read it online instantly rather than go to a store or order and wait for delivery. It is so much easier to access and can be read at any time. With more and more people working online these days, many of us prefer to read eBooks online in between work when they have the time.
The amount of direct and referral marketing that can be done through resold eBooks is unlimited. Since it can be adapted virtually to any product or niche, they represent some of the most time and cost-effective means for internet marketing. Make eBook production and eBook resell rights a part of your marketing toolkit. You will soon discover the power and reach it provides.
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